Octal FM episodes are concise dives into topics like talking to robots, visiting Japan, making coffee, diversity in tech and why Nintendo is awesome.

043: Nintendo vs. The Internet

In another 'Octal FM are Nintendo fanboys' episode, we take a look back at the often overlooked history of Nintendo and the Internet. It involves satellites beaming games down to a virtual village on your SNES. [caption id="attachment_203" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Photo by Muband for Wikipedia[/caption] Intro/outro music: JACKS - Runaway Fashion & an old modem

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001: Hero Mode activated

In this episode of Octal FM, Jalada tells Sefran what he thinks of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for the Wii U. Spoiler warning: Contains minor spoilers about Twilight Princess and a general discussion of the Zelda timeline. ...

113: Animal Crossing Retrospective Part 1 ("Nooks Cranny")

In this first part of a two-parter we do another retrospective look back on a key video game series. Previously we've spoken about Borderlands back in episode 97. This time it's Animal Crossing.