Octal FM episodes are concise dives into topics like talking to robots, visiting Japan, making coffee, diversity in tech and why Nintendo is awesome.

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082: Games that Surprise

In this episode we discuss three games each that surprised us in some way when we played them.

Game discussed:

  • Deep Rock Galactic
  • Lord of the Rings Online
  • Mindustry
  • SimCopter
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
  • Yoshi's Story

Sound-byte 040: Sefran Stranding

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we've been up to recently. This time, Sef gives his first impressions of Death Stranding.

081: Get in the robot, Jalada

This is the start of a new anime-themed Octal FM series! Sefran has watched anime for most of his life, but Jalada has watched almost none. We're changing that.

In particular, we're going to focus on anime that Sefran may have watched a long time ago, to see how time has aged (or not) each series.

If you have suggestions for series we/Jalada should watch, let us know! Nothing too long, please.

Sound-byte 039: Camden Stranding

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we've been up to recently. This week, we went to the Death Stranding launch event in London.

080: Games that Disappoint

In this episode we each pick out three games that we were so hyped about, but ultimately left us disappointed.

Sound-byte 038: Links Awakening Switch redux

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we've been up to recently. A while ago we discussed the announcement of the Links Awakening remix on the Switch. Jalada picked it up, and has been playing it.

079: Game Club - Forager

In Game Club, we pick a game to both play seperately that we've never played before, and then come together on the show to discuss our thoughts. This time, it's the turn of Forager.

Forager is available on Steam, Humble Store, GOG, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Boxed copies on Switch and PS4 will be released 1st November.

Sound-byte 037: Mindustry

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we've been up to recently. This week, Jalada has been playing Mindustry.

078: No Man's Sky Beyond (Expectations)

In this episode we take another look at No Man's Sky, in particular its rather unique development cycle, and how Hello Games have handled its infamy.

Sound-byte 036: Borderlands 3

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we've been up to recently. This week, Sefran has been playing Borderlands 3 co-op on the PS4.