It's an Octal FM first for this two part special about Jalada's trip to California.
"Without a six figure salary, rent control, a trust fund, or a willingness to embrace poverty, you’re out of luck if you want to live here."How to save San Francisco (includes the commuting time maps)
And here's Jalada's rented Camaro on the PCH:
CoD 4 was so popular, fans petitioned for the game to be remade. Therefore, you can pick up the remastered edition on PS4, Xbox One and Steam.
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed Heritage Collection includes the first three main games, as well as Brotherhood and Revelations. It's available on PS3 and Xbox 360, where it is backwards compatible on Xbox One. The Director's Cut edition is available on Steam.
Toni joins us for this second Game Club episode where we discuss our experiences playing indie Metroidvania game Hollow Knight.