Octal FM episodes are concise dives into topics like talking to robots, visiting Japan, making coffee, diversity in tech and why Nintendo is awesome.

Looking for something in particular?

112: Game Club - The Red Strings Club

In Game Club, we pick a game to both play separately that we've never played before, and then come together on the show to discuss our thoughts. This time, we picked up The Red Strings Club.

We both played The Red Strings Club on PC via Steam.

Sound-byte 070: WhatsApp & your data

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. WhatsApp has been making headlines with its updated privacy policy. Jalada tells us a bit more about it, and what the future holds for privacy-focused communication.

111: Upcoming Games of 2021

Welcome to 2021. A new year, a new set of video games to look forward to. As is Octal FM tradition, in today's episode we give you a rundown of all the games we're looking forward to in 2021.

Games we discuss:
  • Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
  • Cyberpunk 2077 <trollface>
  • Back 4 Blood
  • Warhammer 40k: Darktide
  • Mass Effect Legendary Edition
  • Horizon Forbidden West
We also talk more generally about the state of video games, and touch on a few other games in the process.

Sound-byte 069: Tony Hawks Pro Remaker

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. Jalada has been playing the new(ish) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 Remake. Here's what he thinks so far...

110: Games of 2020

In this episode we're joined by Toni to talk about the games we enjoyed playing in 2020.

We talked about a whole bunch of games:

Sound-byte 068: Reviewing our 2020 game predictions

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. We've been busy recording our 2020/21 episodes of Octal FM where we look back at our games of 2020, and games we're looking forward to next year. In this Sound-byte, we take a look back at what we thought about this time last year to see if any of it came true or not.

109: Enter Player Two

In this episode Sefran tells a bit of a story. A story of trying to introduce video games to someone who has really...never...played...video games. He tried a whole bunch of games and tactics, but what didn't and what did work may surprise you.

Sound-byte 067: Ascending the Tower of Babel

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. It's not often we talk about books, but Jalada has been reading the third installment in the "Books of Babel" series by Josiah Bancroft and he's been enjoying it. The first book, Senlin Ascends, is available on Audible and from all good book-sellers.

108: Games that define genres - Platformers

We continue our recurring segment of breaking down the games that we feel define a genre. This time, we discuss a pretty chunky genre - platformers.

Games we talk about:

  • Prince of Persia (1989)
  • Banjo-Kazooie (1998)
  • Cave Story (2004)
  • Canabalt (2009)
  • Super Meat Boy (2010)

Sound-byte 066: Age of Calamity

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. We've got some thoughts on the new Hyrule Warriors game, Age of Calamity.