Octal FM episodes are concise dives into topics like talking to robots, visiting Japan, making coffee, diversity in tech and why Nintendo is awesome.

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We've released 131 episodes about Video games:

Sound-byte 068: Reviewing our 2020 game predictions

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. We've been busy recording our 2020/21 episodes of Octal FM where we look back at our games of 2020, and games we're looking forward to next year. In this Sound-byte, we take a look back at what we thought about this time last year to see if any of it came true or not.

109: Enter Player Two

In this episode Sefran tells a bit of a story. A story of trying to introduce video games to someone who has really...never...played...video games. He tried a whole bunch of games and tactics, but what didn't and what did work may surprise you.

108: Games that define genres - Platformers

We continue our recurring segment of breaking down the games that we feel define a genre. This time, we discuss a pretty chunky genre - platformers.

Games we talk about:

  • Prince of Persia (1989)
  • Banjo-Kazooie (1998)
  • Cave Story (2004)
  • Canabalt (2009)
  • Super Meat Boy (2010)

104: Game Club - Metroid II: Return of Samus

In this Game Club we continue our exploration of the Metroid series, which we last covered in episode 68. This time, it's the Gameboy classic; Metroid II.

Sound-byte 062: Super Mario 3D All-Stars

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. Jalada pre-ordered Super Mario 3D All-Stars and in this episode he gives us his hot take.

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