Octal FM episodes are concise dives into topics like talking to robots, visiting Japan, making coffee, diversity in tech and why Nintendo is awesome.

We've released 5 episodes about Card games:

Sound-byte 086: YGO Master Duel

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. Sefran is watching the details about Yu-gi-oh! Master Duel with a pessimistic eye...

Sound-byte 081: Monster Train

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. Sefran reverts to type in this episode and tells us about a(nother) rogue-like strategic deck-building card game he's been playing. Is it better than Slay the Spire tho?

Sound-byte 072: Emergent Gameplay

Sound-bytes are our shorter episodes about what we’ve been up to recently. Sefran has been reuniting (remotely) with old friends playing Yu-Gi-Oh! and we discuss an emergent gameplay mechanic that's been...emerging...in Elite: Dangerous.

061: Get Pokémon! (Trading Cards)

We're joined by a special guest this episode! Tom last joined us back in Episode 10 to discuss MOBAs. We've talked about competitive Pokémon before too, with Marti Bennett back in episode 21. This time, we turn our attention to the trading card game.

007: From Pandemics to Werewolves

Episode seven is a bonus length episode all about board gaming. From traditional co-operative games like Pandemic, to fast-paced social games like One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Jalada and Sefran break into this huge topic with a summary overview of some of the main types of board games, with a selection of ones to try yourself. Links to purchase any of these titles are affiliate links, proceeds go towards Octal FM and our general happiness. And the reason Sefran sounds different in this episode? Because he's in his new recording studio: [embed]https://twitter.com/octalfm/status/807307563092049920[/embed]  

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